Managing Ulcers In Horses
A horse that feels better, performs better and is more fun to ride! It’s been estimated that up to 60% of show horses and 90% of racehorses may develop moderate to severe ulcers. Ulcers and digestive issues are also a leading health issue for older horses who may no longer process feed or hay as effectively. Many of the best performance horses are high strung, which is a characteristic that can lead to more ulcers and digestive issues. GastroElm Plus has been helping these horses since 2013!
Many horse owners use GastroElm Plus as a preventative measure before hauling their horses or taking them to a show. These are times when eating patterns get interrupted and stress levels can run high. GastroElm Plus has the ability to coat stomach abrasions that may appear and keep them from becoming a problem.
For horses who already have ulcers and have had trouble with reoccurrence after Omeprazole treatment, GastroElm Plus can help to coat and sooth the ulcerated tissue allowing it to heal. Many horses with chronic ulcers or hind gut issues have been helped this way. A dose morning and night during the acute phase costs as little as 78 cents per day. A daily maintenance dose during the evening feeding is as low as 39 cents per day! A small price to pay for a happy, healthy horse.
Why GastroElm Plus?
GastroElm Plus is manufactured in the USA using a proprietary blend of high quality human grade herbs. These include the finest Appalachian Wildcrafted Slippery Elm Bark Powder combined with Milk Thistle Seed Powder, Dandelion Root Powder and Marshmallow Root Powder from Europe.
It forms a smooth gel when mixed with water that coats and soothes the stomach and digestive tract to help the animal feel better almost immediately.
Slippery elm soothes and lubricates the mucous membranes that line the digestive tract. That makes it an excellent treatment for ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other inflammatory bowel problems. It’s high in fiber, which helps normalize intestinal action. This means it can be used to relieve both diarrhea and constipation. Our slippery elm powder is specially ground to easily mix into a smooth gel instead of being clumpy, so it’s easy to use with an oral syringe if necessary.
Milk Thistle is supportive to the liver and pancreas to aid in long term healing. Since it is a powerful liver cleanser, it helps rebuild liver cells while removing toxins from the body that are processed through the liver. Milk thistle is effective at naturally reversing the harmful effects of pesticides in the environment and food supply, heavy metals in the water supply, pollution in the air that we breathe and even poisons!
Marshmallow Root helps restore integrity of the gut lining by forming a protective layer around small junctions (avoiding leaky gut). In addition, it seems to be beneficial for inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Dandelion Root has many nourishing and healing properties for the digestive tract. Additionally, the antioxidants in dandelion root have been shown to be supportive to the liver. It also possesses antimicrobial properties that can help stop the growth of disease-causing bacteria.
All four herbs work in conjunction with one another in a way that has proven to be most beneficial. *
What Customers Are Saying!

Bentley is an amazing cutting horse with incredible bloodlines who spends most of her time on pasture and enjoys it immensely. She has never liked the trailer and has become increasingly uncomfortable over the years since she doesn’t travel very often. Last year we attended a four day Parelli training event and by the last day I could tell she wasn’t herself. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any GastroElm Plus along or I would’ve given her some before loading her up.
By the time we got back to the barn she was obviously in pain and I was afraid I was going to have to take her in to the emergency vet. I stayed with her and gave her a dose of GastroElm Plus. She seemed to stabilize a bit, so after an hour I gave her another dose just to be on the safe side. Soon after the second dose she calmed down even more and I could tell the pain was easing. I stayed with her that night and gave her one more dose before falling asleep and another dose in the morning. The next day she was completely back to normal like nothing had happened. I was ecstatic! I’ve had friends who’ve had to spend a thousand dollars on a sick horse in order to make sure it doesn’t colic or go down. I got by with spending a couple bucks and will never put her in a trailer again without giving it to her! Thanks for making such a great product!
Ashley K

True Calling is a two year old in training. He was always good to deal with but was grinding his teeth and resentful being racked up. After two weeks on gastro elm he doesn’t grind his teeth and his over all demeanor is more pleasant. Hopefully this will help him get to the races in good form this summer. I was so pleased with results that I started giving it to all sixteen of our horses, because I think thoroughbreds have sensitive stomachs in general.
Lilith B.


Last winter was super hard on my North Dakota horses, so it was no surprise when my #1 barrel horse came into spring bearing hind gut ulcers. After spending hundreds of dollars last year on “other treatments” I decided to give Gastro Elm a try. Within 3 days, i already noticed a HUGE difference. My mare started getting her topline back, gaining muscle and shedding her winter coat. I’ll keep all of my performance horses on Gastro Elm for prevention from now on.
Im so grateful to find such a great product at an amazingly affordable price!
Kris V.

I bought GastroElm Plus for my gelding, Dueling Chaps. He was experiencing pain from ulcers which caused a decline in his performance. He is a horse that has anxiety at times and this has helped tremendously. He eats it all never leaving a spec . I am a barrel racer in South Florida and my horses are competing almost every weekend. I started him on GastroElm Plus and by the 3rd day I noticed a change in him. On the fifth day we went to a show and he performed one of his better runs placing out of 88 riders and showing no ulcer signs!
Thanks for making such a great product!
Jill F.

Laika and I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making Gastroelm Plus! She’s so comfortable since we started this a couple months ago. I mix with her prebiotic and alfalfa pellets and she loves it!! Have tried some different things, but yours was the one that worked, thank you again!!
Tracy E.
Awesome! This worked so well for my dogs that I tried it on my horse who had major GI issues and this along with good feed changed her life! This product made it possible for my 22 year old horse to get back to eating baked hay along with her soaked pellets. She’s putting on weight and looks amazing.
This is Cash. GastroElm Plus benefited him immensely, I ran out recently and noticed a huge difference having him off it. Our last barrel run was in August, (his anxiety/ulcers are the worst at the gate at barrel races). But since we were done running for the year I figured I would see what taking him off of it would do with just trail rides and giving lessons, and there was a big difference with just those daily activities. Off of it he is a lot more edgy and high-strung. When he is on GastroElm Plus he walks slow/chill, head down, and overall calm. Without it he is more barn sour on trail rides, walks fast, head held higher, more pushy etc. Also, a problem he has had ever since I got him has been being claustrophobic while tightening the cinch. Something traumatic must of happened to him previously in life, because if I tighten it too fast he freaks out to the point of rearing. But GastroElm helped with that a ton. Thats been the biggest difference I’ve seen. Normally I have to slowly tighten the cinch about 10 times, just a little at a time to get it tight enough without him freaking out. While he’s on GastroElm, I can get it tight on the 2nd or 3rd time! That is probably where I noticed the biggest difference and see how much more comfortable he is! I notice if I skip a day or two in just his headset and his eyes. So I highly recommend this stuff and plan on keeping him on it!
Savannah S.
Finally! After years of spending hundreds of dollars on Omeprazole only to do it again after a few months, we have found the answer. I love my girl and hated to see her in pain, but the expense was getting hard to handle. I’m thankful that a barn mate shared your product with me and that I gave it a try. I’ll never be without it!!
Cindy V.
Using GastroElm Plus
Under normal conditions, it’s as easy as top dressing feed with a tablespoon of GastroElm Plus powder to keep ulcers, colic and other digestive issues under control.
For treating active ulcers or a colic episode it’s best to mix a tablespoon of GastroElm Plus powder with 4 ounces of water (or aloe vera juice for stubborn cases) and it will quickly become a gel that can be administered using a syringe or added to feed. In cases of gastric distress it is best to administer the gel morning and night until symptoms ease. During these times it should be activated with water (or aloe) before being added to feed for maximum benefit.
Many horse owners use GastroElm Plus as a preventative measure before hauling their horses or going to a show. These are times when eating patterns get interrupted and stress levels can run high. GastroElm Plus has the ability to coat any stomach abrasions that may appear and keep them from becoming a problem.
The Big Bag is a 3 month supply (one dose per day) for horses up to 1200 pounds and is only $43.95. That’s 49 cents per day! (44 cents if purchasing a Twin Pack)
Fast Free Priority Mail Shipping on orders over $75! $1.99 Flat Rate Shipping on smaller orders.
Order by noon central time and we ship the same day whenever possible (even Saturday) and Priority Mail normally arrives in 2 or 3 days. First class is currently taking a couple days longer.
GastroElm Plus is only available in the United States. Unfortunately, we do not have distribution centers outside the U.S. at this time.
GastroElm Plus Big Bag
90 Batches – $43.95
49 cents per dose

GastroElm Plus Twin Pack
180 Batches – $79.95
$39.98 / Bag
Additional Horse Testimonials
I have a mare that has gone back into regular training after several months off. She has been a bit grumpy when tacking up. We have checked everything and have come to the conclusion that it’s a mare thing. I came across GastroElm from a recommendation on a fb page (can’t remember which one) and figured, why not?

After a month of being on GastroElm Plus, the mare seemed less cranky, but we didn’t know if it was because the training was helping or the GEP…, we decided to STOP the GEP to see if she reverted back to full on crankiness…sure enough, she did!!! We put her BACK on GastroElm Plus, and the crankiness subsided yet again.
This was great news as GastroElm Plus is inexpensive and easy to feed (I own and operate a small boarding facility, so simplicity is key!) My mare gobbles it up when mixed into some sticky feed. hoping to see continuous improvements in my mare as we keep feeding her this product!
Thanks GastroElm!
Wendy M.
I started using GastroElm Plus about two-and-a-half to three months ago. My young horse was pissy, would ring his tail when riding and even offer a buck if I got my heels into his sides. I was wondering what the heck I had bought to make a barrel horse. But then, I saw GastroElm on Facebook.

Thank you!
Deb C.

This has literally been a life saver for my horse!!! Chronic gut issues and mild colic episodes, I will use this daily from now on! LOVE this product!
Becky J.
This is a great example of a horse putting weight back on after using GastroElm Plus. Once they start feeling better and eating normally, everything else falls into place. We received this message from Michele about two months after she started using GastroElm Plus.

This is Q. I rescued her about 8 months ago. She was 18 years old and had severe ulcers. She wouldn’t eat anything that I purchased. When I found GastroElm Plus, I started her on it morning and night. For the first 2 weeks I mixed the product with aloe juice and syringed it into her to make sure it coated her well then I started just adding the dry powder to her feedings. Within 3 days of giving this product, Q started eating all her hay and grain. As you can tell she is gaining weight great. I was skeptical when ordering it but this product is absolutely worth it’s weight in gold. I am keeping Q on it from now on. Thank you for this product!
PS. Here is Q after using GastroElm Plus.

This is another story of a rescue horse who is feeling much better after beginning to use GastroElm Plus.

I started using the GastroElm Plus because of a rescue horse that had, in his past life, been badly abused. He was very fearful and tended to colic with the slightest changes in diet or weather. I suspected ulcers were a result of the past abuse as well as mental unbalance. He is a 13 year old TN Walking Horse gelding named Pride’s Viper.
He has been on GastroElm Plus consistently for over two years and is calmer and seldom shows any signs of colic. I took him off for about 6 months and the colic episodes increased so he will just stay on the product for the rest of his life now.
I will say, that with 5 other horses to look after, I do not mix the powder with water but simply top dress his small grain ration with the tablespoon of powder. This seems to work well for him. I am so very pleased to find a natural product that works well for my horses. I also use GastroElm + if I am transporting any of my horses to competition or trail rides. Cannot hurt and should help if they stress at all. Thank you for putting this out here for us to use.
Valarie D.
I absolutely love this product. I have an elderly gelding that had ulcers. We tried all the meds. He would get better for a short term then bam he was laying on ground hurting and not eating well. I had made the decision to put him down. . I saw this ad and thought what could it hurt. After the first week he quit laying down thrashing. Second week his appetite returned. And he gained weight!! Now 6 months later he is doing fantastic. I give it to him 2 times a week now. And he has no issues. Plus I use it on my mare when trailering or in training. No issues since starting her on it. Thank you for the wonderful product… it saved my old man.
Tamara C.

- These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.